Brand positioning, comms strategy, creative DIRECTION, COPYWRITING

I wrote the ‘A Taste Supreme’ brand positioning that Kronenbourg still uses today. I also created the original campaign that featured Eric Cantona idling and ruminating in a semi-mythical Alsace. That work was the opening salvo in what has become a long-running and incredibly effective comms platform.

Before the creation of ‘A Taste Supreme’ the brand had been in chronic value and volume decline. It was facing the growing threat of craft beers and world lagers segments, and it was viewed as an ‘old’ lager with nothing to say for itself. Today, it has turned its fortunes around and is the 6th most popular beer brand in the UK.

The film was supported by content that took the form of a fictional ‘Alsace News’ online newspaper and television channel, and a press and poster campaign.


Whyte & Mackay

